Brain Ventricles Segmentation with Deep Learning

Sinus Segmentation with Deep Learning
The paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavity. The sinuses include the maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses. Due to being air filled, the sinuses make

Brain Hemorrhage Segmentation with Deep Learning

Dental Segmentation with Deep Learning
Dental problems affect people of all ages and ethnic groups, and are common worldwide. With many patients suffering from tooth decay, orthodontic issues and even

Lung vasculature segmentation
Lungs vasculature has a major part in blood oxygenation. The complicated branches of arteries and veins, accompanied by the intricate bronchial tree are in charge

Lung Tumor Segmentation
Lung cancer is the most common cancer related mortality cause among men, and second in women worldwide. Primary lung cancer is usually divided into two

Tissue Analysis with AI
New AI technologies by RSIP Vision are very powerful in analysis of tissues and histopathology. This complex task, which has been haunting for years the medical community, has now a very practical solution: deep learning gives very fruitful results to several challenges, like the segmentation of cells and nucleus and the classification of the cells according to the detected pathologies.

Detection and Tracking of Tumors
RSIP Vision’s oncology software combines detection of lesions and tumors in the human body with tracking those findings along CT scans performed during the research: in particular lung, lymph nodes and liver. These tools enable a quick and accurate assessment of the efficacy of the new treatment.

Automated RECIST Measurement
The golden standard for measuring tumors is the RECIST score. RSIP Vision developed an automated module to accurately measure the RECIST score from CT scans as well as the exact 3D volume of the tumors. Changes in volume are a reliable measure of the progression or remission of the tumor, enabling to evaluate the responsiveness of the treatment in a relatively short time.

Detection and Segmentation of Dendritic Cells
Dendritic cells are a type of antigen-presenting cells and have an integral part in the normal functioning immune system, in that they help to initiate