RGB-D SLAM building 3D models from depth cameras
In the past few years, depth cameras became common and easy to get. Several product are available in the market at a reasonable price, e.g.
In the past few years, depth cameras became common and easy to get. Several product are available in the market at a reasonable price, e.g.
1.1 Segmentation tasks [10] suggest a new fully convolutional network architecture for the task of cardiovascular MRI segmentation. The architecture is based on the idea
Deep learning has been successfully applied in various applications in pulmonary imaging, including CT registration, airway mapping, real time catheter navigation, and pulmonary nodule detection.
Recent works suggest novel deep learning tools for detection, segmentation and characterization of eye disorders. Accurate segmentation of retinal fundus lesions and anomalies in imaging
Complete cancellation of returned acoustic echo signal is still an unresolved issue in signal processing. When a signal from a speaker in one end of
Pattern matching in computer vision refers to a set of computational techniques which enable the localization of a template pattern in a sample image or
Pattern matching in computer vision refers to a set of computational techniques which enable the localization of a template pattern in a sample image or
Dry eye disease (DED) is one of the most common ophthalmic disorders. Inflammation of the ocular surface is controlled by corneal antigen-presenting cells called dendritic
Fingerprint matching is used extensively in biometric identity verification for purposes ranging from forensic to recreational. The set of geometrical patterns, such as the ridges,
Automatic fingerprint recognition systems are based on the extraction of features from scanned fingerprint image. A successful preprocessing of the scan is an important first
Magnetic resonance imaging is a ubiquitous clinical imaging modality, in which patients are placed in a device inducing a magnetic field, and the relaxation of
During the past few decades, industrial automation of manufacturing processes has taken a great leap forward. Specifically, the increased quality of yield is due, in
An intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a condition in which a blood vessel erupts inside the brain, causing internal bleeding. If not treated correctly and immediately,
The advances in the manufacturing of depth sensors and camera technologies, such as LIDAR and RealSense cameras, have brought three-dimensional (3D) applications to the front
Pathologies in the joint regions are common especially among elderly patients. They are caused, in many cases, by wear and tear of the cartilage layer
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