Rita Cucchiara is a professor in Computer Vision at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where she is also the Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Center (AIRI). Rita, tell us more about what you do. For me, it’s more important that for about 20 years, I’ve been supervising a group of researchers called AImageLab in the “Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering, where we are now 53 people – seven professors, researchers, PhD students, one startup, and so on. In particular, I’m enjoying a lot that we’re researching computer vision. Most of our readers probably know that you are an institution in our community. Of all your many roles, which one is the dearest to you? I’ll tell you two other roles that I have: one national and one international. The national one is that I’m now writing the Italian Strategy on AI. I did the same with the past government, Draghi, and I did the same also with the other government. I’m contributing together Women in Computer Vision 14 DAILY WACV Sunday Rita posing with Ralph at ICCV 2017 in Venezia Lido, where she was Program Chair