and Jupyter Notebooks, you’ll go through the code with us and try to implement it. We’ve tried to take it from the theory to the application with the code all in one. Also, we’ve developed our library, TorchUncertainty, to work with uncertainty and PyTorch. We’ll try to get everyone implementing things with that.” Despite a limited focus on uncertainty in general, successful workshops have already taken place at ECCV 2022 in Tel Aviv and ICCV 2023 in Paris, and thanks to a growing interest and recognition in the community, organizers plan to resubmit the workshop this year. “We were in the major room of ICCV, and many people were interested,” Gianni recalls. “I think it’s the beginning of the field. The main thing is that more and more people work on uncertainty. I’ve talked with people organizing an upcoming big conference on computer vision. I won’t say the name, but they told me that uncertainty for them is still not a major part of it. For me, it’s still not, but it will be in the future.” Looking toward the future, he hopes to encourage more researchers to explore and contribute to the understanding of uncertainty in deep learning. He is optimistic that one day soon, uncertainty will look more like the field of explainable AI, which he sees as an interesting and equally important topic, but one that is gaining traction and already has a lot of papers. 10 DAILY WACV Sunday Tutorial