WACV 2024 Daily - Saturday

Yes, they were not sophisticated, but in any case, it was challenging because if you spent time creating a good forged image, it was harder to detect. Our readers remember you at a Media Forensics workshop with Cristian Canton a few years back. Is cooperating with these kinds of initiatives part of your work? Yes, in that case, we joined that workshop with a paper. We won the Best Paper at the time. I remember, you won! Yes, but now I’m actually in the organisation of the CVPR Workshop on Media Forensics. So, winning a workshop pays. You get another job! [Luisa laughs] Yes, that’s right! You have seen remarkable progress in this field in the last 12 years. What is the most important thing that you have witnessed? I think what was really a break was in 2018 with the generative adversarial networks that were used to create synthetic images, so the GAN images. That was really incredible to us. We couldn’t believe that it was possible to obtain such high resolution in generated faces, and then not only faces but now you can generate whatever you want. 15 DAILY WACV Saturday Luisa Verdoliva