MIDL Vision 2021
The team went a step further and did a retrospective study using recent real-world data from two hospitals to simulate what would have happened to reporting time and patient outcomes if their model had been used there . The time to reporting abnormal scans was reduced from a month to two weeks at one hospital, and nine days to five days at another , so it was basically halved. When it comes to strokes and high-grade tumors, where people need surgery as soon as possible, every single day counts ! The project is led by Tom Booth , a consultant neural radiologist, who conceived the idea. They have a big team, including neural radiologists and clinicians. “ We’ve got a test set that a radiologist has gone through and when we compare them against our model predictions, we obviously assume the radiologist is right , ” David tells us. “ When there’s disagreement, we say the model must be wrong. However, there are times where the radiologist has a second look, and it turns out the model is right . So, it can work in reverse. The machine sometimes wins! ” To learn more about David’s work, you can view his long presentation video [E1] anytime and visit his discussion session during Detection and Diagnosis at 13:00-13:30 (UCT+2) 9 VISION MIDL David A. Wood
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