27 DAILY MICCAI Wednesday CaPTion- Early Cancer Detection “It’s the same for MICCAI,” Bartek adds. “We hope there will be more and more papers submitted to the main conference on early cancer detection because if people become more interested, more work will be done. It’s like building a backbone, building infrastructure, building a movement so that people want to work and invest time in that area.” The workshop will be giving awards for Best Paper and Best Poster. Once again, it has funding from Satisfai Health, whose CEO and founder was a keynote speaker last year. Satisfai will also participate in the workshop, demonstrating a solid orientation toward translation. “I‘d like to invite everyone to participate in the workshop,” Bartek declares. “I would love to see as many people as possible, despite the fact we’re on the very last day of MICCAI. Stay one more day in Canada and visit beautiful Vancouver, but before you leave the main MICCAI conference, please come and join our workshop and hear the exciting keynote speakers. We hope it will be another successful event for the CaPTion community, the MICCAI community, and the patients!” Ziang Xu et al. The Cancer Prevention through early detecTion (CaPTion) workshop will take place on October 12 (tomorrow) at 13:30.