24 DAILY MICCAI Tuesday AI in the Real World absolute cutting edge in medical imaging, numerics, math, linear algebra, programming, C++, and object-oriented programming, and you combine engineers with data scientists,” he asserts. “You always need both. You cannot do a product in the medical space with one.” Understanding algorithms and a mix of smart engineering and numerical programming is essential in the highly regulated medical space, and this is baked into ImFusion’s framework. A dedication to collaboration with academia, medical device companies, and clinicians helps it to stay innovative. “We cherish being exposed to academia and want to continue doing that,” he points out. “We’ve found some of our best talent through academic outreach. That’s why we’re very happy to be at MICCAI again.” Wolfgang acknowledges the profound impact of his own academic journey, telling us he owes a lot to his PhD advisor, Nassir Navab, and the community of professors and research groups around the world who raised him in an international environment. He remembers how exciting it was to be a founding member of Navab’s group in Munich. “A piece of advice he gave me very early on because I worked at Siemens after my PhD was to keep my academic profile,” he recalls. “Keep publishing. Keep giving invited talks somewhere so that people know you. We now live this in our company as well. We try to keep publishing. That means my team’s market value and visibility go up, so they could go elsewhere, but that’s fine. They have a public profile and are happy and highly respected. That gives us the possibility for growth. If you compare us to Google or Apple, we’re more like Google – less secretive and restrictive.” If you would like to meet Wolfgang and the team and find out more about ImFusion, visit their booth at MICCAI 2023! “… you combine engineers with data scientists. You always need both. …”