Elan’s picks of the day (Tuesday): Elan Naideck is a software engineer with Claronav, a leader in optical navigation systems based in Toronto, Canada. He’s a member of the Micron Tracker development team at Claronav which develops the core computer vision hardware and software for a number of guidance and robotic systems ranging from reconstructive dentistry to spinal implants. The Micron Tracker boasts industry leading accuracy and flexibility. (Oral 5) How Reliable are the Metrics Used for Assessing Reliability in Medical … ? (T-03-059) From Mesh Completion to AI Designed Crown (T-03-088) Physics-based Decoding Improves Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (T-03-089) Point Cloud Diffusion Models for Automatic Implant Generation (T-03-101) Right for the Wrong Reason: Can Interpretable ML Techniques Detect Spurious Correlations? “I love being given a challenge that seems impossible, only to discover or invent a new technique to pull through in the end. Pushing the limits of the technology so consistently requires keeping an open mind to new ideas and techniques, even ones that seemingly have nothing to do with theproblem’s you’re trying to solve. The algorithm the Micron Tracker uses to track our new ergonomic, omnidirectional tools borrows techniques from database and search algorithms. It’s something we only could have discovered by exposing ourselves to a lot of different ideas. That’s one of the reasons I’m so excited to be here at MICCAI. This is actually my first time coming to MICCAI with Claronav, and I feel like a kid in a candy shop. I get to soak in so many new ideas, and talk to the wonderful minds behind them. The inspiration for our next feature could be on the poster next door.” Meet Elan at the Claronav booth in the Poster Hall. Oral: Posters: For today, Tuesday 10 MICCAI 2 DAILY MICCAI Tuesday Elan’s Picks