my pathology. Please locate it. I don’t have localization or bounding box supervision, but I have classification supervision, so I classify this feature. That’s roughly the way I want to go. I want to integrate everything a bit more.” In his regular work, Philip works with images and text, combining them in different ways. His focuses include multimodal learning, NLP, and weakly supervised object detection. He has had some contrastive learning works and still uses some of those ideas. Currently, he is already busy with the extension to this paper. Will we see him presenting it at MICCAI next year? “Yeah, maybe,”he responds modestly. “We’ll see! I hope it works well.” Sadly, Philip could not make it to MICCAI this year, but this paper is being presented by its second author, Felix Meissen. To learn more about Philip’s work, visit Poster 2 this afternoon at 16:0017:30 in the Poster Hall. 19 DAILY MICCAI Monday Philip Müller Did you read Yann LeCun’s interview on page 2? It is fascinating ☺