MICCAI 2022 Daily – Wednesday
Double-DIP 33 DAILY MICCAI Wednesday MONAI Model Zoo We're excited to announce the MONAI Model Zoo, a hub for sharing pre-trained models that allow data scientists and clinical researchers to jump-start their AI development. In the first release, there are 15 pre-trained models from MONAI partners, including King's College London, Charité University, University of Warwick, Vanderbilt University, and Mayo Clinic. These models utilize the MONAI Bundle specification, making it easy to get started in just a few commands. With the MONAI Bundle and Model Zoo, we hope to establish a common standard for reproducible research and collaboration, and we welcome everyone to contribute to this effort by submitting their pre-trained models for downstream tasks. MONAI Model Zoo Landing Page MONAI Label v0.5 MONAI Label now supports MONAI Core v1.0 and continues to evolve by improving overall performance, offering new models for radiology, and expanding into endoscopy with integration into the CVAT viewer for annotation and releasing new endoscopy models. MONAI Label has been updated to support MONAI Core v1.0. For radiology, we’ve focused on improving overall performance and released a new vertebra model. For endoscopy, we’ve continued to improve CVAT integration and released three new models. Overview of TransUNet architecture and schematic of the transformer layer. MONAI Core has reached v1.0
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