MICCAI 2022 Daily – Monday
should calculate the Jacobian and iteratively estimate the optimum corresponding patch on the right. Using the inverse of the left instead of the right to estimate the process is much faster because the Jacobian can be estimated only once. I estimate and quantify the probability for all the matching. ” Jingwei has added other ingredients to this technique to make it more robust. He uses an algorithm to convert the probability to variance so that after this process, he has the 3D shape and the variance to quantify the point . This work has been extended to a journal, but Jingwei is already working on some other challenging research on surgical robots, which he hopes could lead to a paper for MICCAI next year. “ It is a great honor to have a paper accepted by MICCAI, and it’s even greater to be an oral presenter, ” he tells us. “ I spent almost a year on this research because I traversed many algorithms and techniques and finally found this algorithm works! ” Does he have any tips for someone looking to secure an oral at MICCAI next year? “ I’d suggest you keep polishing your paper, ” he advises. “ MICCAI only accepts eight pages with one column, so it’s limited space. Polish your writing carefully to include the most important details. Also, my work is open source. I make the code publicly available. I think MICCAI like that because many people don’t open source their code. ” If readers want more technical details of this work’s equations, formulations, and deductions, you can find Jingwei’s full paper on arXiv . To learn more about Jingwei’s work, you are invited to visit Oral 3: Surgical Data Science today from 15:30-17:00 and Poster 3: Computer- Assisted Interventions (Virtual) from 17:00-18:00. 7 DAILY MICCAI Monday Jingwei Song
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