MICCAI 2021 Daily - Tuesday

8 DAILY MICCAI Tuesday Welcome from the President Good morning MICCAI! We had hoped to be meeting you all in Strasbourg this year. General Chair Caroline Essert had prepared a wonderful venue and program , but circumstances have not allowed it, so we are virtual once again! But do not despair - we are all experienced when it comes to virtual conferences now and know what works. The program is full of fascinating scientific research ! We have a very strong and diverse number of satellite events, including a new clinical day, an extended Women in MICCAI , and our new RISE-MICCAI event for researchers from underrepresented communities. It is a truly international and inclusive event! It might feel a little overwhelming at first to see so many activities and parallel tracks, but do not feel that you have to watch everything at once. Just enjoy the vibe and the energy that you will feel in some of the live sessions. Everything will be recorded too so that you can watch later and catch up. Keep an open mind and a keen sense of scientific curiosity - explore papers that you do not fully understand or that are outside of your field of interest. We would encourage you all to visit the posters this year and interact with the authors when you can. Virtual poster sessions are a different experience to an in-person event where there is a natural traffic of people walking past. People will look at your poster, but may not stop to talk and ask questions, or they may find it after the event, so do not feel that a lack of interaction means a lack of interest. If you are an author and find that things are quiet, do not be downhearted. Be proud that your paper was accepted in the first place - this is by no means a trivial accomplishment. You made it through a very exclusive and selective process, which is a huge accomplishment! My three-year term as president of the MICCAI Society is up next February and as stipulated in our bylaws, a new president will be selected from the members of the MICCAI Board of Directors. There are 15 board members, including myself, and all are very competent and knowledgeable about how the Society works, its needs, and the different activities that we want to develop. They are a dynamic team