MICCAI 2021 Daily - Tuesday

Christina’s picks of the day (Tuesday): Christina Bukas is an AI Consultant for Helmholtz AI, living in Munich, Germany. “ In my daily work I apply ML methods on biological and medical images to help scientists speed-up their day-to-day tasks as well as discover new insights in their research. I am also part of a startup named ScintHealth , where we have a lot of fun working together during off-office hours towards affordable healthcare. In fact, in my presentation you can see some of our work in computer-assisted osteoplasty planning. In my remaining free time I love doing yoga, my newly picked-up pandemic hobby, learning Italian and playing volleyball. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible during MICCAI, even if it’s just in 2 D!” ORALS: (Tu-Oral-AM-B-1509) Surgical Instruction Generation with Transformers (Tu-Oral-PM-B-1512) High-particle simulation of Monte- Carlo dose distribution with… (Tu-Oral-PM-B-2581) Rapid treatment planning for low-dose-rate prostate... POSTERS: (Tu-S1-346) Longitudinal Quantitative Assessment of COVID- 19 Infection Progression… (Tu-S1-1126) Incorporating Isodose Lines and Gradient Information via Multi- task… (Tu-S2-1067) SpineGEM: A Hybrid- Supervised Model Generation Strategy Enabling… (Tu-S3-1001) Personalized CT Organ Dose Estimation from Scout Images For today, Tuesday 28 2 Christina’s Picks DAILY MICCAI Tuesday Learn more about Christina’s work! “ I'll hold a Q&A session today (Tuesday) at 08:00 - 09:30 UTC (Tu-S1-1766) for our poster: Patient-specific virtual spine straightening and vertebra inpainting: An automatic framework for osteoplasty planning. ” Read our review on page 4!