MICCAI 2021 Daily – Thursday

From a segmentation, one can obtain the volume by summing up the probability scores for each voxel . An important quantity in this case is the bias of volume estimate. Ideally, to have the true volume, there would be zero bias. “ The main theoretical result from this paper is that the absolute value of the bias is upper bounded by the calibration error, ” Teodora clarifies. “ If we’re optimizing calibration, we’re also simultaneously reducing the bias of the volume estimate. If the calibration error is zero, then it means that we had an unbiased volume estimate, and we get the true volume. In this sense, the result is not specific on the architecture of the model or the type of organ or tumor or whatever we’re measuring the volume of. ” The result is a fundamental mathematical result that has been empirically 13 DAILY MICCAI Thursday Teodora Popordanoska