MICCAI 2020 Daily - Wednesday
325 The MICCAI Whiteboard DAILY Wednesday Moments befo ion : not many people are familiar with fetoscopy surgery and there is very limited literature/ data available in the CAI community about this topic. So don’t miss awesome Sophia Bano presenting her work on deep placental vessel segmentation. With this work, Sophia and her impressive list of co-authors (among whom we found Francisco Vasconcelos , Tom Vercauteren , Sébastien Ourselin , Dan Stoyanov and more) have also released the first fetoscopy placenta dataset. It is also part of a major 7-year GIFT-Surg project (collaboration of WEISS-UCL , KCL , KU Leuven , KU Leuven Hospitals ). Don’t miss that session in a few moments, at 11:00 UTC! IPMI 2021 Fancy a real conference, meeting real people, in 2021?* IPMI is the international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging : it’s aMICCAI-endorsed event. Submit your work by November 30, 2020 and see you in Denmark in sunny Bornholm, pearl of the Baltic Sea! Find out more . * Awesome Julia Schnabel and her co- organizers promised of course to go virtual if required… Fetoscopy surgery
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