MICCAI 2019 Wednesday

MICCAI 2019 DAILY 7 Alison Noble Read more interviews of women scientist take people from one step in their life, to the next step. It's nice to see where they go after that. What is your legacy during your three years as president? The main thing that we started was the student society, also The Women in MICCAI. Thinking also about the special interest groups, Wiro, afterwards, he further developed those. A lot of people have gotten behind that. If you saw the presentation, there are many people from the community from many countries that are now involved in the MICCAI society, managing and helping with those programs, as well as volunteers. Having seen the presentation yesterday, it was twice as long as when I gave it because there was twice as much to say about all the exciting things going on. That’s very nice to see. At MICCAI 2016 in Athens, there was a women's luncheon where two ideas came about. One, you have to make a positive discrimination of women so that they acquire at least a portion of the visibility they deserve or, two, we should only promote in terms of merit, regardless of the gender. What is your view of that? I think both are correct, and you need to do both. That's probably why you've got two views because there's not one answer. You do want to promote the visibility of people, and it's not just gender-wise, it's geographical, to make sure that people feel part of a community. You mustn't sacrifice the quality to do that as well. There are a lot of good people out there always to be able to volunteer and be visible. I think it's both.