MICCAI 2018 Daily - Monday

No, all my brothers and sisters are educated. How nice! There will be at least one Nobel Prize in the family. [ laughs ] No, they all have either their bachelor’s or master’s degree. I am the only Ph.D. Did you feel like you grew up in a comfortable world? That depends because Iran is a very big country. It varies from place to place, from one area to another, from city to city. For me, I had the opportunity of being in a good university at a good school. I liked it very much. It’s like everything is good for its own time. You asked at the beginning if I regret something. I really like, for example, my bachelor’s degree, but I don’t want to go back. It was for that time. Now, for example, I’m exploring new things. Maybe ten years from now, I’ll be in another place. I also admire that, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t like my current position or I prefer to go to a place that I like. That actually makes my position now difficult because now I need to start a new career. I really want to find something that I like. Ten years from now, I can be proud of it, not just because I’m looking for something. What would happen if you find a position outside of the Netherlands? Right now, I’m looking for a position in the Netherlands. I’m not looking for something else. For a while, I don’t want to settle down. Do you see yourself being an old lady in the Netherlands? [ laughs ] Yeah, I see that. But we have time for it! If I had a magic box, and I could give you what you want, what would it be? A magic box? A good career that I love! [ laughs ] Okay! What is a good career for you? Do you want to do something useful? To be with people that you like? Is it to do things that you know how to do? Yeah, and of course, I’d like it to be something where I half know what to do, and half not, because it makes it challenging. You look happy, and you look optimistic. What is it that makes you so? [ laughs ] That’s life! You should be happy and optimistic! I’m in a nice city with nice weather. Why not be happy? Your concluding message to the MICCAI community. If someone wants to cancel for Friday’s hiking trip, I’m trying to buy a ticket! [ laughs ] Hoda Sharei 21 Monday “A good career that I love” “Why not be happy?” “I don’t want to go back!”