MICCAI 2016 Daily - Wednesday
MICCAI Daily: Iulia, what is your current position? Iulia Popescu: Hi, I am currently a PhD student at the University of Oxford. MICCAI Daily: What is your work about? Iulia: My work is in the image processing field. I’m doing quantification of the tissue functionality after someone has suffered a myocardial infarction or heart attack. MICCAI Daily: What is the novelty of your work? Iulia: My team and I are developing novel methods for subdividing the left ventricle of the heart, which is the most important, into regions that are similar from a displacement point of view. Within the displacement and in the strains of the tissue, you can actually quantify how healthy or infected the tissue is. MICCAI Daily: What is the medical value of this differentiation when you find it? Iulia: At the moment, only a small proportion of cardioverter defibrillators, which are implanted devices in patients, end up being needed by that patient. That results in high costs on the healthcare system and then, of course, additional surgical procedures to remove the devices if there is an infection or a rejection by the patient’s body. MICCAI Daily: So you’re saying that some of the implants are useless? Iulia: I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that we have to come up with a better way of assessing each patient individually. It is really needed in clinical practice to have more of a patient specific approach. MICCAI Daily: You are saying that your model provides that? Iulia: Yes, because our approach is individually assessing each patient and quantifying the healthiness of the tissue of that patient based on their specific characteristics of their heart. Myocardial Scar Quantification Using SLIC Supervoxels - Parcellation Based On Tissue Characteristic Strains Iulia Popescu Presentation 18 MICCAI Daily: Wednesday
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