MICCAI 2016 Daily - Thursday
As expected, the Interactive Medical Image Computing (IMIC) workshop held on Monday was very successful. The IMIC is co-organized for the third year now by Steve Piper, Bjoern Menze, Yi Gao, Tina Kapur & Tammy Riklin Raviv. We assisted at three great talks by our planners speakers: Dr. Tina Kapur , Prof. Sandy Wells both of Harvard Medical School and Prof. Leo Joskowicz of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem . Some notes about the IMIC in general: Interactive systems are widely used in research and clinical practice, yet most scientific venues make it impossible to fully communicate exactly how they work. IMIC combines live demos, hands-on examples, and scientific publications to support exchange of ideas among a community of like- minded researchers. IMIC seeks to showcase and disseminate the best examples of dynamic interaction with medical imagery. What is special about the IMIC? The organizers replaced the traditional poster sessions with live demo sessions in which the presenters are presenting their work using their laptops (and sometimes other facilities) while allowing their peers a hands-on experience (see below images). This year IMIC used an online voting system to allow the workshop attendees themselves to chose the best demo prize winner. The prize was deservedly awarded to Simon Drouin , a PhD student in the group of Prof. Louis Collins of McGill University for his excellent demo and paper. CVPR Daily: Thursday Workshop - IMIC 21 MICCAI Daily: Thursday
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