ICCV Daily 2023 - Wednesday

by the awesome Georgia Gkioxari We stand at a pivotal juncture. The past two years have been an exhilarating ride, brimming with innovation and creativity. The dawn of Generative AI (the author of this piece loves some drama!) has ushered in an epoch few could have foreseen just three years prior. Anyone claiming the contrary is with high certainty lying! Amidst the exhilaration, there's discernible concern regarding the direction of Computer Vision research. The industry's aggressive investments, both in talent and computing power, signal a rush to capitalize on the latest technological advances. This surge is welcome; it offers more opportunities for our community members. This is nothing but a sign of a healthy field. But simultaneously, it instills a sense of uncertainty in many about their next steps. 8 DAILY ICCV Wednesday Workshop “Quo Vadis, Computer Vision?” means “Where are you headed, Computer Vision?” Quo Vadis, Computer Vision?