ICCV Daily 2023 - Thursday

can they see the benefit of presenting their work to a more specialized medical imaging audience in the future? “Yeah, on the one hand, you’re correct, but many of the publications in that field, and even the works we’re compared to, are not from MICCAI,” Elad responds. “We’re happy to see that the community is looking for more fields, trying to find the impact of computer vision in other domains, and publishes these works in CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, etc., and not only MICCAI. Also, as computer vision engineers, we can see these works. I think it goes both ways.” To learn more about Gefen and Elad’s work, visit their poster tomorrow [Friday] afternoon at 14:30-16:30. 20 DAILY ICCV Thursday Poster Presentation We received this very nice photo and the ones in the next page by Debora Caldarola, an organizer of the Women in Computer Vision workshop and a dear friend of our magazine. The inspiring panel included (from left to right), the awesome Diana Larlus, Siyu Tang, Anna Rohrbach, Hilde Kuehne and Arsha Nagrani. It is interesting to note that 4 of the 5 panelists were already interviewed in RSIPVision’s series of Women in Computer Vision.