ICCV Daily 2021 - Friday

Does this lesson work for you? It does! What do you do if there is a toxic person? I’m very lucky! I don’t have these kinds of people in my surroundings [ laughs ]. I was really lucky with the people with whom I’ve worked so far. Of course, I understand there are a lot of things that happen in academia. There were difficult moments in academia for me. What helps is to focus on where you are going rather than what is going on in a particular moment. This is something to keep in mind! What’s the last word you want to share with the community? It happens often that people tell you that you cannot do something, or that you will not be able to do something. It happens a lot. Only you know what you can do and what you want. More than 100 inspiring interviews with successful Women in Science in our archive. Xi Yin 25 DAILY ICCV Friday Yulia Gryaditskaya “Only you know what you can do and what you want!”