ICCV Daily 2021 - Friday

in Moscow. Do you follow science or are you a nomad at heart? I was following research. It’s also because of personal constraints sometimes. You kind of have to move in academia, from place to place. If you want to have a personal life, you also might be constrained about where you can go. For example, I wasn’t searching for positions in the US for these reasons. Mostly, it’s for research. I find people with whom I want to work or groups where I want to work. When I talk with people in the medical domain, I have an easy time understanding their goals. They want to cure cancer. They want to make sure every baby is born healthy. What does a scientist in your position dream to achieve? Very good question! [ laughs ] It would be amazing if the algorithms which I develop are used in actual software, for people who sketch or create content. If I can see how my algorithms are used to produce something, that would be amazing. That’s one direction. Second, as I told you, there is a creative direction. I hope to propose new creative frameworks which will be used for children or for adults, maybe something that would be associated with my name. We will see about that! [ laughs ] If you want to get a Nobel Prize, you need at least something with your name! In the end, I just really enjoy doing what I do. I enjoy learning and contributing. Also, there is the whole process when you work with students, you contribute towards their personal growth. I very much enjoy that. 23 DAILY ICCV Friday Yulia Gryaditskaya