ICCV Daily 2021 - Friday

Instance segmentation on LiDAR data through clustering, in: A Technical Survey and Evaluation of Traditional Point Cloud Clustering Methods for LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation Govindu from the Indian Institute of Science, who has done much interesting and well-respected work on 3D reconstruction using Lie Group , which is a theoretical, mathematical framework for addressing many problems in 3D vision. He will speak about these topics and how they can be addressed with mathematics and without a big use of deep learning. Another speaker is Kathlén Kohn , who is assistant professor at KTH Stockholm. “ Kathlén will speak about classifying minimal problems, ” Federica tells us. “ Minimal problems are appearing in many tasks related to 3D reconstruction, structure from motion, and image matching, and she will speak about how we can classify minimal problems. This talk will be based on algebraic geometry. She will show how we can get a good understanding of a problem using a lot of maths and explicit models. Her talk will be based on a paper that won the Best Student Paper award at ICCV 2019 in Seoul! ” Also, Hongdong Li from the Australian National University will speak about multi-view 3D reconstruction with a focus on objects with unknown material. He will talk about the differences between traditional and deep 18 DAILY ICCV Friday “Her talk will be based on a paper that won the Best Student Paper award at ICCV 2019 in Seoul!” Workshop Preview