ECCV 2022 - Wednesday

Juan Carlos Niebles specializing in computer vision and action recognition. “ My supervisor and I gave the idea of encoding the scene, and the idea of including all the temporal information and all the action recognition was given by Prof. Niebles, ” he reveals. “ I put all that together, and it works very well. ” The novel approach to adding aberrations to the lens while optimizing the network and the fact that the team built a proof-of-concept optical system in the lab is what Carlos suspects earned the work a coveted oral slot at this year’s conference. What led him to this magazine is another story. Last year, at ICCV 2021, a young gentleman from Colombia asked the organizers: How do I get featured in the ICCV Daily? We told him it was difficult. You’ll need at least a paper accepted at the conference. Even better if it’s an oral. The rest, as they say, is history. Does that young man have any advice for other scholars hoping to follow in his footsteps with an oral presentation at a big conference? “ Validation of your proposed method is very important, ” Carlos asserts. “ I’d recommend you perform several validations of your idea. Include all of these in the paper and use the space for supplementary material. I can say this because I had a paper rejected for not performing enough validation! Also, remember your idea should be very new, interesting, and different to be accepted as an oral. ” Carlos works in the High Dimensional Signal Processing (HDSP) Research Group at the Industrial University of Santander . 6 Oral Presentation