ECCV 2020 Daily - Tuesday

“This was so different from any other paper,” she says. “Normally you might sit at your desk and think of algorithms and do experiments. For this, we needed a lot of collaboration and were constantly managing the project.” Menglin was born in China , but currently lives in America, and her English is perfect. How long has she lived in the US? “Let me get my calculator!” she jokes as she thinks for a bit. “I came here for my graduate study, so five years .” Our far-reaching intelligence services inform us that Menglin did not start her career in science: she learned her undergraduate and graduate in fashion and worked several years as an apparel and lingerie designer , before doing a PhD at Cornell to become a computer scientist . Now we are keen to hear what it is like to work under such esteemed Computer Science professors as Serge Belongie and Claire Cardie . “I love it! I am so honored to be their student and in their lab. We have weekly meetings and one to ones periodically to talk about the project and any research updates. They always give me useful insights and direction. When I’m confused, they offer me their support and point me in the right direction. 2 Oral Presentation 6 DAILY T u s d a y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