ECCV 2020 Daily - Tuesday

15 This is what they call the brain drain, right? [ laughs ] Some of them leave and go to Japan, Australia, US, and other places, but the situation is improving, and also a lot of people stay. Then, they build their own business, or they continue their studies there as well. Did you ever see a launch in person? Yes, I did see a launch. I was trying to explain my own work, which was research work. But it was not on Mars... [laughs] But when I was working on it, I really wanted to integrate it on the Mars rover, and I did that, but it was kind of funny because I was not allowed to see their code because I was a student... [ laughs ] But, I can write my own interfaces. So basically I did write it that way. [ laughs ] And so actually it was integrated, and it reached the highest level of technology for a research project, which was very nice. It was built by a collaboration. It was not only my work. Would you like to drive on the Mars rover? I would. I would think hard about doing six straight months in flight. [ laughs ] But definitely this is a fascinating world to me. You have a very good panel of speakers at the workshop you are organizing at ECCV. There are a few very prominent names, like Raquel Urtasun and Marc 3 Anelia Angelova 21 DAILY T u s d a y TensorFlow team and contributors.