ECCV 2020 Daily - Tuesday
2 Julian's Picks DAILY T u s d a y For Today, Tuesday 25 th Julian Chibane is a first year PhD Student for Machine Learning and Computer Vision, happy to be at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Real Virtual Humans Group. I graduated from University of Würzburg with a background of Machine Learning and Applied Mathematics. My master thesis got accepted as a paper (Implicit Feature Networks) at this year's CVPR and focused on reconstruction of highly detailed 3D geometry from deficient and incomplete 3D input data. It's thrilling to see the rapid progress in 3D vision powered by novel learning representations and processing architectures. I'm specifically fascinated by integrating geometry and graphics foundations into vision problems and learning architectures. Julian’s picks: Orals: • “Look Ma, no landmarks!” – Unsupervised, model-based dense face alignment #2173 • VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment #3016 Spotlights: • GeLaTO: Generative Latent Textured Objects #4398 • Deep Reflectance Volumes: Relightable Reconstructions from Multi-View Photometric Images #4230 Poster: • Learning Gradient Fields for Shape Generation # 2273 ECCV Daily Publisher: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Designer: Rotem Sahar Our editorial choices are fully independent from ECCV and the conference organizers. Taking part in this is a pleasure: for the ECCV SHARP Workshop and Challenge, we extended IF-Nets, build on geometric principles. IF-Nets predict detailed shapes of clothed humans or arbitrary objects and even texture, given highly incomplete, corrupted 3D data from a handheld scanner. We achieved first place in all tasks (see full report at page 16) and are grateful for the generous prize! Now that 3D high quality processing is getting explored, and real-world applications are within reach, 4D problems (incorporating time), are waiting around the corner. There are some pleasures that cannot easily be digitalized - I love exploring new food and places (next bucket-list entry: India), trekking and socializing. But who knows ... have you heard about Brain Computer Interfaces?
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