ECCV 2020 Daily - Thursday

15 choices, and the whole industry in software development is a very fascinating, innovative area. There are a lot of opportunities for individuals at Adobe. People here are very nice and collaborative, and the company culture is very good. Every individual has the chance to share and communicate their ideas in a friendly and open manner. On the other hand, we have the chance to continue learning new things and explore different types of work. Opportunities are always open so that individuals can freely change their routes and choose different types of work - A sense of rotation, that kind of thing. It’s just very open and friendly! I would like to play another game. If you didn't choose Adobe, which company would have been the second-best for you? [ laughs ] That’s a very interesting question! Thank you! That’s why I’m here... [ both laugh ] The answer is... Well, I don't know! [ laughs ] Well, the main thing is that you are excited about where you are! That’s more important than choosing the second-best. You are not originally from California. Is that right? No, I am not. I grew up in Tianjin, China. I studied electronic engineering there, and one day in my senior year I got a 3 Xin Lu 27 DAILY T h u r s d a y chance to talk to a professor who was working on a computer vision project. In those days, computer vision was really at an early age. So, my first project was related to face recognition. Immediately, I felt interested in that area. I decided to spend more time there. Then I got an internship opportunity in Microsoft Research Asia, and I did a 10-month internship there working on large scale data mining and research-related projects. This was also related to imaging. I felt interested in research. I wanted to do a PhD, which is what brought me to Pennsylvania. I spent 5 years in Pennsylvania working on very challenging research projects in imaging, computer vision, and image aesthetics and emotions arising from those things. That's part of the reason