ECCV 2020 Daily - Monday
3 NeRF: Pratul Srinivasan 5 DAILY M o n d a y the world, as well as a 2D viewing direction, what is the color emitted by that point, and the volume density? It is like a 5D volume and that would be really hard to represent for complex scenes if you had the sample on a grid. By representing it in this fashion, you are able to get more crisp and higher- resolution results in a very compact way. You can view some of these results and an overview of the team’s work in their supplementary videos. Does this approach save on time and resources? “I wouldn’t say we save time,” Pratul responds. “That’s the main sacrifice for this kind of approach. Normally if I have a sample of a voxel grid it’s easy for me to just query and say, what is the value of this cell of the grid? But here, to query the value at any cell of the grid you have to do a forward pass of a small network. The network is only five megabytes in size, so a big scene might take multiple gigabytes to store a
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