ECCV 2020 Daily - Monday
15 I have to try things, and I have to be more relaxed. Not too strict, but at the same time, still focused. If in a few years, I will interview female scientists who have worked with you: what will they say they learned from you? Wow! Barbara Caputo says that one of my merit is that I never leave things hanging. Every started project deserves its proper ending. It might need some extra work, but it is worth it. I believe she's right! You have to work a lot, and at the beginning everything feels like a mess. Then you have to synthesize somehow andput things inorder. This is something that I do often with my students. At the beginning, we talk a lot freely, and then we have to put things in order. This is something that I hope I can pass on to my students. At the same time, the schematic idea often becomes something graphic, like in figures or drawings. I like to prepare the figures, as this is just a way to translate what you have in your mind, into an image. I hope that this is also something I can pass on to other people. Knowing how to use images is a good way tocommunicatewithotherpeople. Exactly, because one picture tells the story of a thousand words. With all the things you have studied, is there one more thing you wish you would have learned? There is something, but it's completely unrelated to my work. We like unrelated, also. [ both laugh ] I wanted to be a gymnast when I was a little girl. Instead, all of my family was into martial arts, judo specifically. So in the end, I became a black belt in judo, but I would've wanted to be a gymnast actually. Like Vanessa Ferrari? [ laughs ] Well, yes, why not? I mean, I am not that tall. I think I have the right physical structure, but at the time, it was too difficult for my family to organize things, so I ended up doing judo. 3 Tatiana Tommasi 9 DAILY M o n d a y Tatiana receiving the orange belt from her father Giuseppe Tommasi (olympionic judoka in Munich '72 and currently one of the few Italian 8th-dan black belt)
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