ECCV 2020 Daily - Monday

[ laughs ] You didn't just move from Rome to Turin. You moved around a lot. You lived in Belgium, Switzerland, the US … What do these places have in common? They have me in common! [ both laugh ] Which is a lot, but it does not answer my question! [ both laugh ] In a sense, I was trying to expand my point of view. After I finished my PhD in Switzerland, I wanted to work in the same area of research as my PhD, but I wanted to see different aspects of the problem. In Belgium, I tried to gain experience with videos, which I was not working on when I was doing my PhD, mainly on studying images. Then I also wanted to expand my interest in language, and that's the reason I also moved to the US, when I started working with Tamara Berg and Svetlana Lazebnik. We cannot expect a system to be complete if you only use the visual part. You also need the text part, the language part, and you need to explain what you are doing. Somehow I wanted to have a more complete system, being able to solve problems, like the difficulties of going from one domain to the other, but at the same time to also add a little bit of an explanation and expand in the area beyond images. What is one thing that you have learned from Tamara and Svetlana? From Svetlana, I learned to be very concise in the way of explaining things. In the beginning, I was speaking a lot without getting straight to the point. What I learned from Svetlana is that I like to be schematic. Indeed, I like things when they are very clean! Well, you are Italian! That's normal! [ both laugh ] It came out to be a defect because, maybe I was just younger then, but I was just speaking a lot without proposing. I wasn't good at getting straight to the point. She just wants to know the core meaning. You have to go there, and that's important. I learned a lot in that sense. From Tamara, I learned to be light in thinking, not to be too strict, not judge myself too much. 2 Women in Computer Vision 18 DAILY M o n d a y “I wouldn't be afraid of that!”