ECCV 2020 Daily - Monday
Tatiana Tommasi is an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin. Are you originally from Turin or were you adopted by Turin? No, I’m adopted. I'm from Rome, actually. Still Italian! Roma or Lazio? Roma! Can you tell us about your work? I'm working in the area of computer vision, at the intersection of computer vision and machine learning. The interesting part for me in this work is that I don't want to investigate the usual setting where train and test data belong to the same domain. The world is so nuanced that you cannot expect to always know what you are going to encounter in the future. What I'm trying to do is study all of the cases where you are training a model in a particular situation and then you're testing a different one, which can be a different visual style or a different number of categories. Everything related to what is called the learning to learn, incremental learning, domain adaptation, domain generalization. This is my main area of research. You've done many things in the medical domain, too. That was the initial point where I started to like images. In the beginning, I was 2 Women in Computer Vision 16 DAILY M o n d a y “The world is so nuanced that you cannot expect to always know what you are going to encounter in the future.”
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