ECCV 2020 Daily - Monday

3 Kripasindhu Sarkar 15 DAILY M o n d a y create images or video that do not exist in reality? “Likeall technologicaladvances, therewill be good and bad applications, but there isn’t enough of the bad to say that you should just stop research in this direction. In video games, the environment is completely fake, but there is so much research to make it more realistic. What we are doing right now is similar, but our methods are more advanced, and our results are more realistic.” To find out more, visit Kripasindhu’s poster presentation [#1034] today (Monday) at 06:00 and 14:00 (UTC +1). images of the same person in different poses and has been tested on different sets of clothing and transfers well. Kripasindhu has even tested his method out on people he knows: “I like the idea that I cantakeonesinglephotoofaperson and then mimic the source person with the action of an actor. I tried with some of my friends with different settings. If the model is trained well enough, then it creates really interesting and funny results of the person in different poses!” But with controversy surrounding media like deepfakes , is he concerned about the rise in technology being used to “In video games, the environment is completely fake, but there is so much research to make it more realistic.”