ECCV 2018 Daily - Wednesday

Daily Wednesday 12 16 know what it’s like. They both, all of Berkeley actually, foster a very family-like atmosphere. Alyosha is really available, and he’s always positive. He thinks differently. Jitendra is great. He has a great big- picture idea. He really teaches you to fish. He doesn’t give you the fish. You have told me what is great about them. What is great about Angjoo? [ laughs ] I guess I’m enthusiastic. Maybe you took something from each of them. You are enthusiastic, passionate, a great communicator, you like the big picture and you like to be right about what you say. Actually, you might have taken all of these qualities. Thank you! That would be great! That would make you a super scientist! What is your dream? My dream? My dream is to live in a society where most people have equal opportunity. Did you have good opportunities in life? I was very lucky, even as a woman. It’s a lot better now. Did you see others who were less fortunate than you? Yes. How can we make a society like the one you dream of? Women in Computer Vision Angjoo (left) with the other organizers of the WiCV workshop, this week at ECCV