ECCV 2018 Daily - Thursday
Daily Tuesday 11 Good morning ECCV! Welcome to the fourth and final issue of ECCV Daily for this year. What a fantastic conference this has been, showcasing so much high-quality work taking place across the computer vision community. The editorial team wishes to thank the entire ECCV 2018 organizing committee for giving us the chance to comment in real time on this exceptional event. Particular thanks to Workshop co-Chair Laura Leal-Taixé , Program co-Chair Vittorio Ferrari and General co-Chair Daniel Cremers . Next year, the International Conference on Computer Vision 2019 (ICCV) will be taking place in Seoul, Korea . You can expect it to be even bigger, to accommodate our rapidly growing community. There is a fantastic computer vision community in Korea. The recent Korean computer vision conference had hundreds of participants and was very impressive. It is also one of the top countries in terms of the number of papers published in recent conferences like CVPR. We’re estimating 4,000 submissions next year , but it may be more. We want to make sure that we cope with this in the best way possible. For me (Svetlana) as a Program Chair and my experienced Program co-Chairs - In So Kweon , Ming- Hsuan Yang and Nikos Paragios - the most important thing is to follow all the best practices. We’re not planning any drastic innovations of the review process. We want to see what recent program chairs have done that scales well and make sure that reviewing standards are high and quality is consistent. We’ll have timely reviews and good competent reviewers doing it at scale. One of the things we want to ensure is that enough of the organizing team - area chairs, reviewers, etc. - are from the burgeoning Asian community. You can find out more about ICCV 2019 in our enthusiastic interview with General Chair Kyoung Mu Lee in this issue. Enjoy our final issue of ECCV Daily, and we will see you all at the next CVPR and ICCV. Until then, please keep in touch by subscribing to Computer Vision News ! Svetlana Lazebnik Ralph Anzarouth Program co-Chair, ICCV2019 Editor, ECCV Daily Department of Computer Science Computer Vision News University of Illinois (UIUC) RSIP Vision Editorial 4
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