ECCV 2018 Daily - Thursday

When they are supposed to write a master’s thesis, they’re supposed to work scientifically under guidance. At some point during this process, they face some personal issues that make things very hard. Also, some students are not prepared for any kind of situation. Of course, they are studying. It might be easy for many students because, again, there is a clear curriculum of what they are supposed to do. Suddenly, they are supposed to do research, and they might see disappointing results. There might be another reason. The fact that they were top of their class when they were in high school. They were not so far from the top of their class when they studied their bachelor’s. Then they start to work in an environment where they are around others who excel. They are not used to it. Yea, and it may be the same for researchers. It was definitely true for me. How do you accept becoming average? As long as you are somehow in this game, you can admire all of the geniuses around you. That’s still perfect. Sometimes, you are also good enough so that people will be interested in your work. That’s somehow a big reward. Can you point out someone in the community who has been an exceptional model? There are definitely several. It’s difficult to single one person out. I’ve been working closely with Bernt Schiele and also Thomas Brox. I think both of them are inspiring in their ways. How is it working with Bernt Schiele? The most amazing thing about him is, first of all, how convinced he is about his beliefs. When he says something once, that’s really what he believes in. He’s very friendly, but firm in his criticism, which is so helpful. Tell me something about Bernt Schiele that has helped you in dealing with your students. Daily Thursday 13 Margret Keuper 13