ECCV 2018 Daily - Monday

Daily MONDAY 10 Marcella’s picks of the day: P-1A-55 Unpaired Image Captioning by Language Pivoting P-1A-59 Grounding Visual Explanations P-1A-85 How good is my GAN? P-1B-06 Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-image Translation P-1B-54 Women also Snowboard: Overcoming Bias in Captioning Models Marcella Cornia is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the AImageLab Laboratory at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy . She works under the supervision of Prof. Rita Cucchiara on Deep Learning and Computer Vision. “Now, I’m manly focusing on vision and language related tasks, such as image captioning and cross- modal retrieval of images and sentences. At the beginning of my PhD course, I worked on different solutions for predicting human-eye fixations on natural images.” Marcella’s Picks For today, Monday 10 2 “Taking part to the WICV workshop for the third time gives me a unique opportunity to deepen my research and extend my network of connections with other female researchers in the field. I would like to thank the organizers for making this workshop every year more special.” Marcella presented yesterday three papers at three different workshops: • “What was Monet seeing while painting? Translating artworks to photo- realistic images” Oral presentation @ Workshop on Computer VISion for ART Analysis (VISART) • “Visual-semantic alignment across domains using a semi-supervised approach” Spotlight and poster presentations @ Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop (MULA) • “Towards Cycle-Consistent Models for Text and Image Retrieval” Poster presentation @ Women in Computer Vision (WiCV)