ECCV 2016 Daily - Thursday
Dear reader, You are reading the third ECCV Daily published in association with ECCV 2016 in Amsterdam . We are doing our best to represent each day in this magazine some of the immense quality of work displayed at this year’s conference. We cannot cover everything, but we hope that the reading of today’s (Thursday) ECCV Daily with its 22 pages will give satisfaction to both the reader who is at the event and to the remote reader too. The highlight of this magazine is of course the interview with Michael Black . Besides the honor that Michael did to me by accepting my invitation with remarkable grace, he did a gift to all our readers by sharing original thoughts on so many subjects. You will read how he uploaded his codes back in 1992 and which device he considers the most innovative of all. For the first time, our interviewed person is not a young engineer or teacher, but a senior professor. We are preparing for you even more surprises of that kind. Find the interview at page 4 ! Tomorrow (Friday) we will publish the last ECCV Daily for this year. The organizers of ECCV2016 hope that you are enjoying this initiative. But there will be no farewell: you can stay connected with us also after ECCV2016 by subscribing for free at Computer Vision News . When you receive every month the magazine of our community , you keep alive the connection established this week in Amsterdam. We wish successful presentations to all the presenters and a great day to all our readers, at ECCV and worldwide! Ralph Anzarouth Editor , Computer Vision News Marketing Manager, RSIP Vision Dario’s Picks: Thursday 2 Editorial and Summary 3 Interview - Michael Black 4 Presentations Errol Wood 8 Ranjay Krishna 10 Armin Mustafa 12 Panasonic 13 Presentations Matthias Innmann 14 Women in Computer Vision Amy Bearman 16 Presentations Silvia Tozza 22 ECCV Daily Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Publisher: RSIP Vision Copyright: ECCV & RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. ECCV Daily’s editorial choices are fully independent from ECCV Dear reader, Would you like to subscribe to Computer Vision News and receive it for free in your mailbox every month? FREE SUBSCRIPTION Subscription Form (click here, it’s free) Welcome 3 ECCV Daily: Thursday
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