Computer Vision News Computer Vision News 28 Deep Learning for the Eyes by Christina Bornberg @datascEYEnce Hello everyone, welcome to another datascEYEnce story! I am Christina Bornberg and I interview people in the field of deep learning for ophthalmology to showcase their research here in the Computer Vision News magazine! This time, I want to introduce Emanuele to you!! Retina Revealed: Analysing Eye Images to Diagnose Different Diseases featuring Emanuele Trucco Emanuele Trucco, a professor of computer vision at the School of Science and Engineering at the University of Dundee, has been part of the Division of Computing since 2007. His research focuses on retinal image analysis and biomarker research, collaborating closely with doctors to explore what the retina can tell us about the progression of systemic conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and of course he also focuses on common retinal diseases.