Computer Vision News - September 2024

23 Computer Vision News Computer Vision News Long story again. I come from the countryside in Norway, and as a child, I was that very strange child in the countryside that liked to read and actually enjoyed school. I was bullied. I wanted to get away, so I went, not to Finland, to the US. I actually studied the first year of my bachelor’s in the US, but I couldn’t really afford to go to an American university where you have to pay your own way. I had gone there thinking, let’s go for one year and see if I can get a fellowship or a scholarship to do the whole education. Only problem was, when I was there, it turned out I really liked physics, so I changed my major to physics. I actually went there to do chemistry. In physics at that university, there were virtually no scholarships that I could apply for as an international. If I wanted to continue studying physics, I had to leave again, so I went to Finland. I didn’t want to go home, so I went to Finland. This means that when you are rich, you will have to make a scholarship for physics students. Maybe, yes. I went and studied physics in Finland for another year, but then in my third year, I was done with my minor in Mathematics, and I didn’t want to stop doing the mathematics, so again, I swapped and finished a master’s degree in mathematics in Finland. That’s how I ended up there. Then, I started a PhD. Again, this is really old school academia. I also had a very old professor as my supervisor. He was very hands-off. I think in the course of three and a half years, I had three meetings with him about science. I didn’t feel like I was getting supervision. Frankly, I was really annoyed. At some point, he was going for a one-year sabbatical where he was going to go and sit on his island because he had bought an island and often he would just work remotely from his island. This is 20 years ago, before Zoom or anything, so when he was on his island, we were just left on our Aasa Feragen “PhD supervision in my garden during Covid restrictions”