Computer Vision News - September 2024

Computer Vision News Computer Vision News 14 taught the graphics course in many years. What I thought I would do was find the best graphics classes online and just assign those to my students, thinking that there surely must be better teachers of computer graphics than me. [laughs] I thought I would find the best lectures online and then just assign them, but I found that it was very difficult for me to sit through an hour-long lecture on YouTube, and maybe this is just because I’m not very patient, but I felt like if I can’t sit through an hour-long lecture, it’s not fair to assign it to my students. But what I did find was one lecture on affine transformations, just a five-minute cartoon on Algorithm Archive, which is a fantastic video. This covered about two-thirds of the material that I normally cover in my lecture, and I thought, wow, this is amazing. Why don’t I find one of these little YouTube lectures for every single topic in the course, and then I’ll be set? But it turned out that that was the only one. This affine transformations cartoon was the only one that covered the topics in the class in five minutes, and so I was inspired to do the rest of them myself. As I started doing this, I realized I really enjoyed this process of creatively trying to figure out how to teach a complex topic in five minutes, and so, even after I finished the graphics class, I kept going and did a few more. Basically, whenever I find a topic that I don’t understand well enough, I will force myself to learn it and explain it to Giant home-made pinhole camera (also from the Projection video) Playlist - Graphics in 5 minutes