Computer Vision News - May 2024

Computer Vision News 36 Deep Learning for the Eyes by Christina Bornberg @datascEYEnce It’s time for another deep learning in ophthalmology story! I am Christina and my goal is to highlight researchers in the field as part of the datascEYEnce column! This time, I interviewed my (almost) name twin Cristina, who just finished her PhD in trustworthy AI!! Trustworthy AI in ophthalmology featuring Cristina González-Gonzalo Cristina is a computer vision specialist and biomedical engineer. She did her bachelor's and master’s degree in Madrid before moving on to a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Clarisa Sanchez and Prof. Bram van Ginneken between Radboud University Medical Center and the University of Amsterdam. Her doctoral thesis ‘Trustworthy AI for automated screening of retinal diseases’ covers topics such as the reliability of available retinal screening software, attribution methods for explainability, adversarial attacks, and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in trustworthy AI.