Computer Vision News - June 2024

31 Computer Vision News Computer Vision News My First ICLR Top right: Katarzyna Szymaniak, a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, UK. "I'm a researcher dedicated to enhancing human-computer interaction through time-series data analysis," Kasia told us. ''With the increasing prevalence of wearables and biosignals, my work focuses on decoding these signals to create more intuitive HCI.” Kasia interned at Meta Reality Labs, where she used advanced deep learning techniques and signal processing to bridge the gap between HCI and practical applications. “By incorporating inductive biases from ASR architectures, I improved my research in my own field,” she added. “In my PhD, I am concentrating on myoelectric control for upper-limb prosthetics. I am particularly interested in using active learning to enhance the long-term adaptation of EMG biosignals, as well as developing compute-efficient methods to address distribution shifts caused by intrinsic and extrinsic factors in the data.‘’ Bottom right: the undisputed star of ICLR 2024.