Computer Vision News Computer Vision News 32 Read 150 FASCINATING interviews with Women in Computer Vision! Read 150 FASCINATING interviews with Women in Computer Vision! Women in Computer Vision now doing research for the sake of research because it’s interesting. I haven’t decided which of these important problems we talked about yet is that one problem, but I want to do something like that and focus and try to help achieve that. Tell us one thing about you that we do not know. Again, that’s a very difficult question. I do not know much! I don’t think I like to talk about myself that much! [she laughs] Oh, so you had a great idea of accepting my offer for an interview. Yeah, to be honest, I was not sure what I was going to say! Now, it’s too late! I know. People have convinced me otherwise. Who convinced you? Well, my manager and my boyfriend. They were both like, “No, you should do it. It’s a good thing. It inspires people!” I’m like: “I don’t know if I like doing these self-promotion things.” I often discover the most surprising things about people I do not know. Yeah, well, there we go. That’s one thing you didn’t know about me! [both laugh] Do you have a final message for the community? Do big things that matter because I think you can achieve it. There are so many smart people in this field and there are many, many interesting problems to be solved. I think if we put our minds together, we can improve this world that we live in.