29 Computer Vision News Computer Vision News Ivana Balažević things that these tools that we’re developing can potentially help us unlock. But also to have fun. I am sure you are not afraid you are going to be bored by AI in the coming years. No, I don’t think so. The opposite, actually. In your short career until now, what in AI particularly made you say, ‘wow’? That’s a very good question. I remember we had this Flamingo model in DeepMind. Before it came out, we could play around with it internally a bit, and I remember uploading a picture of my dad’s cat and asking it various questions about the picture, and it could answer everything. I was like, how is this possible? That was my first moment like, wow, these things actually work! Because I was pretty much a sceptic before that about this kind of increase the model size, increase the data size. I wasn’t thinking this is actually going to work. I mean, there’s probably a limit. I still think there’s a limit, but we’re still pushing this frontier it would seem. What is the next ‘wow’ you are going to say? If we have actual embodied agents. If we can integrate all of these current assistants we have and put it into a robot This is the point where I would actually find it scary as some sort of actual sci-fi moment, but it would also be like, wow. What would be your dream for the next 10 years? Personally, I would like to move into the more application side of things, where you can do something good with these models. The model development is very, very interesting as well, but this has kind of been a change in the past couple of years for me, where we’ve moved on from models that don’t really work to models that do work, and now it’s unlocked this whole world of possibilities where you can actually use it to solve real-world problems. The spectrum of things that you can do is infinite. If I only think about climate change, the number of issues that AI can help on is infinite.