Computer Vision News - April 2024

55 Computer Vision News VISIE Inc. the idea for the device and brought it to an advanced prototype state, Aaron is now helping to transition the technology into a product, explore new applications, and increase its capabilities. With patents in the US and worldwide, VISIE looks set to realize its dream. “One of the difficulties is figuring out exactly what we help first!” Aaron laughs. “We need to go forward in a way that allows us to maximize the device’s potential while maintaining the kind of focus that a company needs. The surgeons we speak to in different specialties and doing different procedures see the value in what we do when they see the results of our scans. They want their machines to see in real-time the way they do. That’s a technical challenge and one we’re taking on.” The challenge is a considerable one. “It’s one thing to take an image; it’s another thing to go fast and track in real-time,” Doug explains. “There’s a very delicate balance because we gather loads of data. Where a procedure might take 350 data points on the end of a femur, we can take 376,000 data points in a fraction of a second. Everything is registered and tracked without the effort of adding extra arrays, putting fiducials in the patient, or going through a long and complicated process.” VISIE has bolstered its ability to quickly process large quantities of data to support this. Having joined NVIDIA’s Inception Program, it has gained access