Computer Vision News - September 2023

Computer Vision News 38 Surgical Video Analysis When we sat down with Asher Patinkin, a knowledgeable expert in this field at RSIP Vision, he was brimming with enthusiasm about the potential of AI in this domain. "Think about it," he said, "imagine if we could routinely improve surgical outcomes, provide invaluable training opportunities, and even drive down healthcare costs. Wouldn't that be revolutionary?" He wasn't just speaking in hypotheticals, either. WithAI-driven surgical video analysis, real-time feedback becomes a reality. Surgeons are guided in the midst of procedures, refining their techniques and securing better outcomes for patients. "It's like having an extra set of eyes, always learning, always improving," Asher explained. But the benefits don't stop at the operating table. This AI has a second life as a tireless, everwatchful teacher, reviewing surgical footage to help train new and experienced surgeons alike. By learning from past procedures, surgical teams can uncover their mistakes, discover new methods, and refine their skills. Furthermore, the analysis of surgical videos allows trainees and novice endoscopists to learn from experienced practitioners. For instance, in a procedure that requires advanced endoscopic skills such as ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography), they can study the steps involved in accessing the bile duct, navigating through the duodenal papilla, and performing interventions such as Imagine you're a surgeon in the operating room, with high-tech equipment all around you, while cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) works behind the scenes to analyze every movement, every decision. This is the realm of Surgical Video Analysis, a burgeoning field that's taking the healthcare world by storm. It's a place where computer science meets medicine, where AI algorithms sift through surgical video footage, both during and after operations, to uncover priceless insights.