Computer Vision News 8 Best Poster at VISMAC 2023 Augmented Architecture for Vision and Language Hello, I’m Sara Sarto! I am a PhD Student at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Recently, I had the honor of winning the Best Poster Award at the International Summer School on Machine Learning (VISMAC) in Padova (Italy) thanks to my most recent research activities on augmented architectures for vision and language tasks. by Sara Sarto During my first year of PhD I mainly focused on image captioning architectures. This interesting domain requires the development of an algorithm to describe visual contents with natural language sentences and, in the past few years, this field has garnered significant attention within the research community. In this article, we’ll explain how some kind of augmentation in this field can be a powerful source of information. During my presentation at VISMAC2023, I shared insights from my two latest research projects: one related to the evaluation of captioners (accepted at CVPR2023), the other to the generation of captions (accepted at ICCV2023). University of Padova hosted VISMAC-23, the Int. Summer School on Machine Vision. More than 85 PhD students attended lectures and tutorials, participated in a poster session, in panel discussions and enjoyed the beautiful Padova!